Solutions for Progress 

Hangtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades

RBI assisted the City of Placerville in preparing an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration in support of the City of Placerville’s planned upgrades to its Hangtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (HCWWTP).  This environmental document was prepared to meet CEQA requirements and to support the City’s application to the State of California for a State Revolving Fund loan that will fund, in part, planned improvements HCWWTP.  A protocol-level California red-legged frog site assessment was also completed.  This assessment provided sufficient technical information for USFWS to determine that protocol-level surveys were not necessary.  RBI obtained all necessary permits for construction of the project, these included CDFG 1601 Streambed Alteration Agreement, USACE 404 Permit, and RWQCB 401 Water Quality Certification.